We are plain spoken, honest, and leave no room for miscommunication. The only thing you pay for here is what you kill. Meals, lodging, skinning and quartering, caping of trophies, etc. are all free. You are not charged for your stay in any way. You only pay for what you kill. That means if you come to hunt with us and we do not put you in front of something that you want to kill, and you do not kill it, then you don’t pay anything. Also if you bring a non hunter along with you, if they do not kill anything, then they pay absolutely nothing. No Kill No Pay. That is the best guarantee you will ever receive. We have a 100% success rate.
On the pricing, it is one price per type of animal you are after. A Boar for example, is $1500. That is for any Boar. No room for misunderstanding. If you kill the biggest Boar on the property, he is $1500. No hidden Trophy Fee, or up charges for a bigger size. A Fallow Buck is $4500. If you kill the biggest buck on the entire place, he is still $4500. Plain talk, plain pricing, and absolutely no room for a miscommunication. No Kill No Pay. No way possible for any hidden fees. The total package.
There are two things that some hunters come here and CHOOSE to spend more money on, and they are two things that we do not do. One is Full Processing of Meat and the other is Taxidermy. We do skinning and quartering for free. Skin it, quarter it, and ice it down in your cooler for you for free. But some folks want it Fully Processed. We do have a local guy that does that. We take it to him for you, get it back from him for you, ice it down in your cooler, then we put it in our big walk in cooler for you where it remains while you are here. As for Taxidermy, if you want to take your Trophy home with you for your Taxidermist to do, we cape it out for you and prepare it for travel for you all for free. But some folks like the work our Taxidermist does. The lodge is full of it for you to see. So if you want to leave your work with the Taxidermist we recommend, then we take it to him for you, get it back from him for you and I call you personally when it is completed. But know that other than those two CHOICES, the only thing you pay here is the flat quoted price for what you kill. Not one penny more. Plain, straight forward, and honest. Try searching for another lodge that operates that simple.
Other lodges say “No Kill No Pay”. But try staying there, hunting, and not killing anything and see what they say. You may not pay for the animal you didn’t kill, but you will pay for your meals and lodging. Other lodges do not allow you to kill any animal for the one advertised price. The price they quote you is the ‘bottom price’. That is for a standard, young, animal of that species. Try quizzing them on taking a Mature 4, 5, or 6 year old Trophy and see what they say then about the pricing. All we are after here at Spartan Hunting Lodge is 4, 5, and 6 year old Trophies. If you are a Wild Boar hunter, try quizzing them on the size boar you are most likely to take there, and they will say “around 200 pounds”. Here at Spartan Hunting Lodge, if you take a Boar under 400 pounds it will be because you wanted to. Our Boar average in the 400 to 600 pound range. Try quizzing other lodges about the size of teeth on the Boars they take. Start the conversation about Maturity and big teeth and see what they say. For a Boar to be fully mature and have good cutters he would need to be in the 4, 5, or 6 year old range. At other lodges they take young stuff in the 18 month to 2 year old range for the prices they advertise. If you start talking about Mature Boars to them, then the price starts to rise as the age boar you request starts to rise. With Spartan Hunting Lodge, it is only the Monster Big, Mature Boars that we are after, and there is never an increase in price, for a better Boar. What you kill here is my advertisement, and partner I mean to ADVERTISE.
Any lodge can pick a few good pictures over the years and put them on a website. Check out our Spartan Hunting Lodge Facebook page. It runs continuously, and every day that we hunt we post it with fresh pictures from that days harvest. That is our way of showing you that we are consistently taking Monster Trophies here. “Like” that Facebook page, and it will give you a constant feed of what we are taking day by day and week by week. The proof is in the pudding, and no one CONSISTENTLY takes better Trophies than we do. No one. And we prove it on that Spartan Hunting Lodge Facebook page week after week.
- Lodging is Free
- Skinning and Quartering of meat is FREE.
- Caping of your Trophy is Free.
- Loan of a rifle, if needed, is Free.
- No license required. Hunting is year round. Your kill is guaranteed. The style of hunt is up to you. Stand hunt or stalk – we hunt according to your request.
- NO HIDDEN FEES all prices are as stated.
- NO KILL NO PAY that means pay Nothing.
- Skinning and Quartering of meat is FREE.
- No guide fees.
- Recommended 2 or 3 day hunt.
- Taxidermy Available.
- Full Processing and Packaging of Meat Available with SAME DAY SERVICE.
- We also offer Hydrographics (Hydro Dipped Skulls).